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Customized for You

Customized Plan

Look around and it is clear that genetics and other factors influence individual anatomy. We will create an action plan and establish weekly appointments: training and check-ins. You and I are a team invested in making positive change in your health.

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Wellness Review:
Intake and Assessment


Ideally medical screening (summary from annual physical exam) provides the most accurate assessment of health risks. If you don't have current health information, we can use assessments to determine wellness plan.

  • Health/ Medical Questionnaire

  • The Attitudinal Assessment

  • Perceived Stress Scale

  • Behavior Modification Questionnaire

  • Body Mass Index- BMI

  • Blood Pressure Screening

  • Fitness Testing: Strength, Flexibility, Aerobic Capacity



Weekly Check-in

For many, adherence is the most challenging aspect of wellness. Having a support system can greatly improve your success. Often someone outside your family unit is a better choice because of emotional relationships. Breaking negative habits requires dedication. It can take weeks or months to make lasting change. Having a coach is a game changer. 


Objectives of weekly check-in will be identified in wellness review. Each session will review progress and establish action items. Individual needs determine combination of diet, exercise, stress management education and counseling.


Alison Maden Wellness Coach

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